How to Pick the Best Technology Stack for Your Product

Using the power of technology is essential for a business trying to grow. For most businesses, having mobile and web apps constructed is a must. Whether these apps are used by employees or consumers, making sure they are reliable is a must.
In the last three years, the amount of money businesses spend on technology has increased by nearly 50 percent. This increased spending is an indication that the traditional way of doing business is becoming obsolete.
Are you in the process of having a mobile or web-based app constructed? If so, choosing the right tech stack is an essential part of this process. Read below to find out some helpful tips on how to choose the best technology stack for your mobile or a web-based app.
Keeping it Simple is a Must
One of the biggest mistakes most business owners make when choosing a tech stack for their product is over-complicating things. Until you know, there is a market for your mobile or web-based app, and you need to avoid sinking too much time and energy into this venture.
When the market for your web-based or mobile app is proven, you can move forward with developing a tech stack. During this process, your main goal should be to keep your tech stack agile. Taking your time during this development process can help you avoid making crucial mistakes.
What Are Your Requirements?
The technology you choose for your product should address the problem you are trying to solve. One of the most important decisions you will make during the construction of your web-based or mobile app is what programing language to use. If your app is based mostly on computation and statistics, using Python as your programming language of choice.
If you use Java to program your app, you need to monitor it closely. Monitoring logging exceptions in Java can help you stay one step ahead of errors.
Use Open-Source Technology Whenever Possible
When building a new program, you need to try and use open-source solutions whenever possible. By doing this, you can avoid making everything from scratch. This will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Using open-source solutions will also give you the opportunity to focus on the business side of your new program. After you have chosen a particular open-source solution, you need to consider a few things.
Do you need a license to use the program in question? Does the framework of the program provide your developers with all of the tools they need? By answering these questions, you can make sure a particular open-source program is a right fit for your tech stack.
Check the Ecosystem
Every piece of technology has a unique ecosystem that is composed of tools and individuals. Finding out things like how big the particular ecosystem is behind a programming language or framework is can help you greatly.
Finding out this information is easy when using the power of the internet. Generally, you will be able to find online tutorial videos for just about any programming language and tech framework under the sun. Taking the time to look at these videos can give you a better understanding of the resources at your disposal.
How Flexible Are the Elements You Are Considering?
The world of technology changes on a regular basis. Things that are relevant now could be rendered obsolete in just a short while. This is why you have to focus on choosing tech stack elements that are flexible and easily updated. Most experts maintain that getting five to ten years of service out of tech stack components is a good thing. Hanging on to these elements after this time period can be detrimental to your business and the various programs you are running.
One of the best ways to make your tech stack more flexible is by breakup back-end and front-end processes into smaller micro-services. By doing this, you can easily update these micro-services when needed without having to disrupt your entire system. Many companies use things like service-oriented architecture when building their tech stacks to avoid flexibility issues in the future.
When choosing the elements of your tech stack, you need also to find out whether or not you have easy access to the data these elements collect. Ideally, you will want to choose programs and services that allow you to transfer data from their program to another one with ease. This will help you update and even change elements of your tech stack without any problems occurring.
Thoroughly Test Elements before Adding Them to Your Tech Stack
The biggest mistake most businesses make when developing a tech stack is failing to test various components before deciding to use them. Neglecting to get a feel for what a particular piece of software can do before using it in your tech stack is a bad idea. Most software providers will provide prospective users with demo versions of their products. Putting this demo version through the paces is a great way to see whether or not it is the right fit for your needs. You can also use the various elements you are considering to construct a test app or program to see how well they perform.
The Support Being Offered
When choosing the individual elements of your product’s tech stack, you need to use languages and frameworks that offer support. If you are relatively new to the world of programming and app building, you will need some guidance. This is why working with companies who offer online support for their products is a must.
Rushing through the tech stack building process can lead to big mistakes being made. This is why you will need to weigh all of your options before making these critical decisions.