Material Blog PRO Laravel is exactly what a bartender would recommend. No joke.

Two developers and an entrepreneur walk into a bar. They read a Medium article saying that beer doesn’t make you fat, it makes you Lean. They’re somewhat relieved because they were going to drink lots of it. They`re all starting new projects soon: a news portal, lightweight e-commerce, and a business blog.
The three of them order the regular and they’re really surprised when the bartender brings them something else. The label reads “Material Blog Laravel”.
“What’s this?” asks the entrepreneur. “It’s not what we ordered.”
“I can tell you what it’s not. It’s not one of your regular, boring WordPress websites” answered the bartender. “It not only looks better (I mean Material Design, c’mon), but it’s fully Laravel powered. Do you know what this means? This means you get everything you need in a blog already implemented. And you get it implemented in one of the most popular web development frameworks today. No more frontend – backend integration issues. Less time juggling clunky plugins to customize your website and more time to chill at the pub with your friends.”
“We’re not friends” answered one of the developers, failing the “socially acceptable thing to say in a group” test.
Friends or no friends, the three of them are now thinking the same thing. This could really help them get the CMS they’re supposed to build off the ground. They all look excited (“mildly interested” in developer terms). Each for their own reasons.
The first developer is a Laravel buff. He’s the type who browses Laravel collections for fun, follows Taylor Otwell on Twitter and adopted Laravel since version 1.0. He’s really excited to start the new project using his favourite framework. He could have written all this himself, but why bother reinventing the wheel. Material Blog Laravel already has user management, role management, category, tag and article management in place. He’s happy to focus on cool customizations instead and on growing the project even further. Plus, have you seen all those “build a blog with Laravel” tutorials and how the end result looks like? It’s about time we had a Laravel blog that looks as good as the code behind it.
The entrepreneur just hates WordPress. He couldn’t care less about Laravel, but, man, the thought of building just one more WordPress website makes him nauseous. He’s been looking for a better option for some time now. One which doesn`t make all websites look the same, due to cheap themes and misunderstanding the business value of design. Less clunky, less vulnerable to security issues and allowing a lot more flexibility, without having to write everything from scratch or having to ask the Laravel guy to do the entire backend for a lot of money. Plus, something with an actually usable admin panel, not the cluttered mess he has been battling so far.
The second developer doesn’t love or hate anything. Or at least, he hasn’t worked with WordPress enough to hate it. He considers himself quite pragmatic. He’s interested in what the market has to offer and he likes to carefully consider all his options. Material Blog Laravel sounds like a good fit because it brings to the table just the right amount of boilerplate code and customization options. Plus, it comes with a ton of additional free components he can use in other projects. He not only gets the frontend design and backend, but also hundreds of UI components and example pages which go into Material Kit PRO and Material Dashboard PRO. Pretty good deal for “just” a blog.
The three of them nod almost at the same time. “Fine, we`ll give it a shot!”
The bartender nods back, pointing to the back of the label: “You`ll find more useful information here.”
Material Blog Laravel has all the core features you need in a blog, right out of the box. It comes with a beautifully designed frontend, inspired by Material Design principles, and a fully integrated Laravel backend. It can also be a great starting point for other types of CMS.
You get all this just by downloading it.
Role-based authentication
Your users can log in as admins, authors or members and have default privilege levels based on their role.
- Admins can manage both content and users.
- Authors can manage content.
- Members can only comment on articles once logged in and they can edit their profile information.
Fully-implemented content and user management
Content management
- Users can create, edit and delete article categories and add a suggestive image and description for each category.
- Users can manage and color-code tags for better article management.
- This is probably one of the functionalities which will save you the most time, as every article has a picture, belongs to a category and can have multiple tags.
User management
- Each user has a role, which dictates the privilege level.
- Admins can add, edit or delete users and roles.
- You have the option of editing the logged in user`s profile, including personal details and passwords.
Beautifully functional design
More than some example pages, you get a fully functional design for the entire blog, both frontend, and admin. Click around in the Live Preview to see what it looks like. Then log in as admin, author or member to see what it can do.
Admin panel design is based on Material Dashboard PRO (which you also get, for free) and includes:
- Dashboard with statistics
- User profile
- Role and user management
- Article, category and tag management
Frontend design includes:
- Blog homepage
- Articles by author or tag page
- Category page
- Article page
- Login page
Additional Material goodies included
The blog`s frontend is built using Material Kit PRO and Material Dashboard PRO, which you also get, for free, in addition to the blog. This means hundreds of handcrafted elements and example pages for your current and upcoming projects.
Ready to get started with Material Blog Pro Laravel?
Right now you’re probably wondering how on earth did so much information fit on a tiny label. It had a QR code, okay?! You can also sample our delicious Material Blog PRO Laravel here.