Nine Ways to Improve Your Healthcare Landing Page

Your landing page is the face you present to potential new clients. Making a good first impression is important, and there are many different ways a landing page can go right and help you meet your goals. Unfortunately, there are also many different ways a landing page can go wrong and drive site visitors away — straight into a competitor’s arms.
About 93% of Americans seek information about health-related topics on the internet and research healthcare providers before making an appointment. If you run a healthcare website, whether it’s informational, informative about some type of quality of life product you’re offering or a medical provider page, you can take some steps to improve your landing page and ensure site visitors convert into customers.
1. Keep It Simple
It might be tempting to add all the bells and whistles to your landing page. After all, if the goal is to engage site visitors, surely more is better, right? Actually, the opposite is usually true. The mistake a lot of websites — both healthcare and non-healthcare — make is bogging down a landing page with too much stuff. Keep your focus very narrow, and remember what action you want buyers to take when they land on your page. Everything on the page should drive them toward conversion without any distractions.
2. Create Transparency
The cost of healthcare in the United States is often a cause for concern and debate. Each year, Americans spend about $3.5 trillion on this care, with only 33% of that figure coming from hospital expenses. One of the biggest gripes about spending involves a lack of transparency from medical companies. Even billing is sometimes confusing. You can prove to consumers that you’re trustworthy by showing that you’re more transparent than the competition.
Associates in Dermatology does a great job of providing transparency. They allow patients to access all information, including billing, online at any time. Bills are detailed and fully explain the services rendered. Costs for cosmetic procedures are even offered upfront, so the client isn’t faced with a bill that shocks them.
3. Use Original Images
A majority of marketers feel that custom photos work better than stock photos to get their message across. Follow suit — provide original images that are relevant to your brand and the message of the page. A professional photographer can take a number of photos at the same time, and you can then feed them through your different landing pages or use them on social media over several months.
4. Offer a Clear CTA
When users land on your page, do they know what action to take next? Your calls to action (CTAs) should be clear and to the point. Use personal language that’s in first- or second-person, and make the CTA easy to find by adding contrast to the page. Keep language short and to the point so that users know what step to take next to work their way through the buyer’s journey on your website.
Notice how Tranquil Shores places their CTA in a location that’s easy to spot and makes it stand out by using a color that contrasts sharply with the background image. However, the color of the button still ties into the website’s overall color palette. They also hit on the point of transparency by listing which insurance companies they work with.
5. Optimize for Mobile Devices
The usage of mobile devices for internet access is about 63.4% worldwide. Since a large majority of your users are likely to access your landing page on their phones at some point, ensuring your landing pages are optimized for mobile device usage is one of the most powerful things you can do to increase your mobile conversion rates. Test your pages on mobile devices to ensure forms and buttons work appropriately on smaller screens.
6. Describe Your UVP
What is your company’s unique value proposition (UVP)? You must show people what makes your brand unique and how you stand out from the competition. Your UVP might be in your overall mission and shared cause, such as helping new moms learn to navigate the difficult first days of parenthood. Or, your UVP might be more along the lines of the value you provide, such as the fastest wait times out of all the doctor’s offices in the county. Figure out what makes you unique, then highlight it on your landing page.
Knoxville Pediatric Associates (KPA) highlights the care they provide for children and their growing and development needs. They point out their long history of providing excellent care and developing trust with patients. Their UVP is seen in their reputation for meeting the needs of their patients in the area.
7. Provide Location Information
If you run a patient location, clearly list where you’re located along with information about any secondary locations available. When it comes to healthcare, people want to know how close you are to them and if the office visit will be convenient. You may even want to tie into Google Maps so that those browsing on their mobile devices can simply pull up directions and navigate to you easily.
8. Focus on the Headline
Your landing page’s headline is what grabs visitors the second they land on your page and allows them to decide if your brand can meet their needs. Your headline also appears in search engine results, creating an additional opportunity to make a good first impression. The information on the page and the headline should match one another. If someone follows a headline link to your page, they should encounter what they expected, or they’ll simply bounce away from your site.
9. Follow Up
Use your landing page to collect contact information, such as an email address. You can ask them to sign up for a newsletter, offer a free assessment or give away some type of ebook for free in exchange for their email address. Once you have an email, you can follow up with a quick note thanking them for considering your business and asking if they have questions or would like additional information. Just following up may increase your conversions if you keep it short and to the point.
Landing Page Musts
Every type of business needs landing pages in order to highlight specific offers and segment audience members into categories. Keep your landing page sleek, simple and to the point, and you’ll see more conversions. Minor tweaks sometimes boost conversions dramatically. Make sure you also test your page frequently to ensure the elements that worked initially still work for your target audience.