100+ Design Blocks | 500+ Components

Cut development time in half

Speed up your development process in three easy steps using our web pages builder.

1. Choose the blocks

Build templates from hundreds of components grouped into the most frequently categories, including navigations, headers, and more.

2. Customize Brand Colors

Use our pickers for colors, Google Fonts, shadows and general settings without touching the code.

3. Download Source Code

Our builder is great for developers and also no-coders. You can download all the source files and then simply upload them on your website's server.

Choose from 100+ blocks Using Drag & Drop

We re-styled every Bootstrap element to match the Argon Design System style. All the Bootstrap components that you need in a development have been re-design with the new look.

Headers Features Blogs Teams Projects Pricing Testimonials Contact Us Tables

Customize the brand Choosing colors and fonts

We know how valuable your time is. That is why we worked hard on the development of a tool that would be easy to use and which you could make use of without the need for any training. Customize anything without touching the codebase.

Try for Free!

Download The Source Code

When you select the appropriate components and Bootstrap settings, you can download source files in order to start combining front-end with back‑end.

  • Bootstrap 4.x.x
  • SASS Variables
  • Access to HTML, JS and SCSS Files
Optimized for Mobile

All the pages and sections work perfectly on mobile, tablets and desktops.

Retina Ready

All the elements and icons that we used in the production look gorgeous on any type of screen.

Complex Documentation

For those who want to digg deeper, we offer a full elements' documentation.

Optimized Code

This product was built by developers for developers. All the classes and HTML elements are easy to be used.

Create something great with the Pages Builder

We have built an editor that will help you move faster from building a layout to the refining stage so that you can have time to work on the details.

Responsive Design

No matter the size of the screen, the generated paged will fit perfectly to any device (mobile, tablet, desktop or TVs). Focus on the creative tasks, we do the rest.

Awesome Pickers

All settings include an interface for a quicker implementation of values (color picker, Google Fonts, shadow builder, etc.).

Live Editor

When changing the settings in the customizer panel, the CSS code is compiled in real-time, and you can follow the changes live.

Full Source Code

When you select the appropriate components and Bootstrap settings, you can download source files in order to digg deeper into the variables and HTML elements.

Share with team

You can share the prepared project with other team members to review or use a link to check the project on mobile devices. All the pages are responsive.

Components & Blocks

Build web pages using our components and sections in minutes. This includes navigations, headers, footers, cards and more.

Trusted by 1,600,000+ Web Developers & Companies

The UI Kits, Templates and Dashboards that we've created are used in over 3,000,000+ web & mobile projects. You are in good company!


Try our Builder and get an overview of what you can create.

1 Month

Take the builder to a whole new level of experience and create projects in minutes.

3 Months

Take the builder to a whole new level of experience and create projects in minutes.


Build unlimited projects for you or for your clients while you reuse the existing codebase.

Limited time
50% Discount

$29 $14

$89 $44

$249 $124

Free Demo Buy now Buy now Buy now
Full Access to all the Features 
Save unlimited projects  
Unlimited Exports  
Technical Support  
Access to Full Code  
Sharable preview  
Exportable sources  


Try our Builder and get an overview of what you can create. Forget about old Templates/Themes.


Create Website

1 Month

Take the builder to a whole new level of experience and create projects in minutes.

$29 $14

Buy now

3 Months

Take the builder to a whole new level of experience and create projects in minutes.

$89 $44

Buy now


Build unlimited projects for you or for your clients while you reuse the existing codebase.

$249 $124

Buy now

If you purchase a discounted option, that option will be frozen for your account, that means you will pay the same amount after we finish the Discount Campaign. For example if you paid 14$/month and we will switch to 29$/month after the campaign, you will still pay 14$/month for an unlimited time.

30 Days money back.

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