AstroLaunch UI Button - React

Use our Buttons based on AstroLaunch UI for actions in forms, dialogues, and more.

Buttons are an essential element of web design. Basically, buttons are styled links that grab the users’ attention. They help users navigate our websites or apps and drive them to a particular action like submitting a contact form or placing an order as easy as possible.

See below our button example that you can use in your AstroLaunch UI and React project. The example also comes in different styles and colors, so you can adapt it easily to your needs.

Button Variants

The Button component comes with 4 different variants that you can change it using the variant prop.

Button Sizes

The Button component comes with 3 different sizes that you can change it using the size prop.

Button Colors

The Button component comes with 19 different colors that you can change it using the color prop.

Button With Icon

You can use any type of icons inside the button, in the below example we've used the @heroicons.

Block Level Button

A Button could be a block-level component as well that gets all the available space in a row. You can render a Button as a block-level element using the fullWidth prop.

Rounded Buttons

You can use tailwind css rounded-full class with Button to create rounded buttons.

You can wrap Button component with <a> tag to make it a link.

Button Ripple Effect

You can turn on/off the ripple effect for the Button component using the ripple prop.

Auth Buttons

You can use tailwind css classes with Button to create beautiful buttons for different purposes, below you can use some button examples used for authentication with social media and web 3.0.

Button Props

The following props are available for button component. These are the custom props that we've added for the button component and you can use all the other native button props as well.

variantVariantChange button variantfilled
sizeSizeChange button sizemd
colorColorChange button colorgray
fullWidthbooleanChange button to a block level elementfalse
ripplebooleanAdd ripple effect for buttontrue
classNamestringAdd custom className for button''
childrennodeAdd content for buttonNo default value it's a required prop.

For TypeScript Only

import type { ButtonProps } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Types - Variant

type variant = "filled" | "outlined" | "gradient" | "text";

Types - Size

type size = "sm" | "md" | "lg";

Types - Color

type color =
  | "white"
  | "blue-gray"
  | "gray"
  | "brown"
  | "deep-orange"
  | "orange"
  | "amber"
  | "yellow"
  | "lime"
  | "light-green"
  | "green"
  | "teal"
  | "cyan"
  | "light-blue"
  | "blue"
  | "indigo"
  | "deep-purple"
  | "purple"
  | "pink"
  | "red";

Button Theme

Learn how to customize the theme and styles for button component, the theme object for button component has three main objects:

A. The defaultProps object for setting up the default value for props of button component.
B. The valid object for customizing the valid values for button component props.
C. The styles object for customizing the theme and styles of button component.

You can customize the theme and styles of button component by adding Tailwind CSS classes as key paired values for objects.

Button Theme Object Type

interface ButtonStyleTypes {
  defaultProps: {
    variant: string;
    size: string;
    color: string;
    fullWidth: boolean;
    ripple: boolean;
    className: string;
  valid: {
    variants: string[];
    sizes: string[];
    colors: string[];
  styles: {
    base: {
      initial: object;
      fullWidth: object;
    sizes: {
      sm: object;
      md: object;
      lg: object;
    variants: {
      filled: object;
      gradient: object;
      outlined: object;
      text: object;

For TypeScript Only

import type { ButtonStyleTypes } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Button Theme Customization

const theme = {
  button: {
    defaultProps: {
      variant: "filled",
      size: "md",
      color: "blue",
      fullWidth: false,
      ripple: true,
      className: "",
    valid: {
      variants: ["filled", "outlined", "gradient", "text"],
      sizes: ["sm", "md", "lg"],
      colors: [
    styles: {
      base: {
        initial: {
          verticalAlign: "align-middle",
          userSelect: "select-none",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontWeight: "font-bold",
          textAlign: "text-center",
          textTransform: "uppercase",
          transition: "transition-all",
          disabled: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none disabled:pointer-events-none",
        fullWidth: {
          display: "block",
          width: "w-full",
      sizes: {
        sm: {
          fontSize: "text-xs",
          py: "py-2",
          px: "px-4",
          borderRadius: "rounded-lg",
        md: {
          fontSize: "text-xs",
          py: "py-3",
          px: "px-6",
          borderRadius: "rounded-lg",
        lg: {
          fontSize: "text-sm",
          py: "py-3.5",
          px: "px-7",
          borderRadius: "rounded-lg",
      variants: {
        filled: {
          white: {
            backgroud: "bg-white",
            color: "text-blue-gray-900",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-blue-gray-500/10",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-blue-gray-500/20",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          "blue-gray": {
            backgroud: "bg-blue-gray-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-blue-gray-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-blue-gray-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          gray: {
            backgroud: "bg-gray-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-gray-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-gray-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          brown: {
            backgroud: "bg-brown-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-brown-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-brown-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          "deep-orange": {
            backgroud: "bg-deep-orange-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-deep-orange-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-deep-orange-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          orange: {
            backgroud: "bg-orange-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-orange-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-orange-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          amber: {
            backgroud: "bg-amber-500",
            color: "text-black",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-amber-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-amber-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          yellow: {
            backgroud: "bg-yellow-500",
            color: "text-black",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-yellow-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-yellow-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          lime: {
            backgroud: "bg-lime-500",
            color: "text-black",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-lime-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-lime-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          "light-green": {
            backgroud: "bg-light-green-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-light-green-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-light-green-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          green: {
            backgroud: "bg-green-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-green-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-green-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          teal: {
            backgroud: "bg-teal-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-teal-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-teal-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          cyan: {
            backgroud: "bg-cyan-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-cyan-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-cyan-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          "light-blue": {
            backgroud: "bg-light-blue-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-light-blue-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-light-blue-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          blue: {
            backgroud: "bg-blue-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-blue-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-blue-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          indigo: {
            backgroud: "bg-indigo-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-indigo-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-indigo-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          "deep-purple": {
            backgroud: "bg-deep-purple-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-deep-purple-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-deep-purple-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          purple: {
            backgroud: "bg-purple-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-purple-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-purple-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          pink: {
            backgroud: "bg-pink-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-pink-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-pink-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          red: {
            backgroud: "bg-red-500",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-red-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-red-500/40",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
        gradient: {
          white: {
            backgroud: "bg-white",
            color: "text-blue-gray-900",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-blue-gray-500/10",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-blue-gray-500/20",
            focus: "focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none",
          "blue-gray": {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-blue-gray-600 to-blue-gray-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-blue-gray-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-blue-gray-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          gray: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-gray-600 to-gray-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-gray-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-gray-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          brown: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-brown-600 to-brown-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-brown-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-brown-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          "deep-orange": {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-deep-orange-600 to-deep-orange-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-deep-orange-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-deep-orange-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          orange: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-orange-600 to-orange-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-orange-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-orange-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          amber: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-amber-600 to-amber-400",
            color: "text-black",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-amber-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-amber-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          yellow: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-yellow-600 to-yellow-400",
            color: "text-black",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-yellow-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-yellow-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          lime: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-lime-600 to-lime-400",
            color: "text-black",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-lime-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-lime-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          "light-green": {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-light-green-600 to-light-green-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-light-green-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-light-green-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          green: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-green-600 to-green-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-green-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-green-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          teal: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-teal-600 to-teal-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-teal-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-teal-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          cyan: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-cyan-600 to-cyan-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-cyan-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-cyan-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          "light-blue": {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-light-blue-600 to-light-blue-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-light-blue-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-light-blue-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          blue: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-blue-600 to-blue-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-blue-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-blue-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          indigo: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 to-indigo-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-indigo-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-indigo-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          "deep-purple": {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-deep-purple-600 to-deep-purple-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-deep-purple-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-deep-purple-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          purple: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-purple-600 to-purple-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-purple-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-purple-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          pink: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-pink-600 to-pink-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-pink-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-pink-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          red: {
            backgroud: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-red-600 to-red-400",
            color: "text-white",
            shadow: "shadow-md shadow-red-500/20",
            hover: "hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-red-500/40",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
        outlined: {
          white: {
            border: "border border-white",
            color: "text-white",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-white/50",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          "blue-gray": {
            border: "border border-blue-gray-500",
            color: "text-blue-gray-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-blue-gray-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          gray: {
            border: "border border-gray-500",
            color: "text-gray-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-gray-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          brown: {
            border: "border border-brown-500",
            color: "text-brown-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-brown-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          "deep-orange": {
            border: "border border-deep-orange-500",
            color: "text-deep-orange-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-deep-orange-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          orange: {
            border: "border border-orange-500",
            color: "text-orange-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-orange-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          amber: {
            border: "border border-amber-500",
            color: "text-amber-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-amber-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          yellow: {
            border: "border border-yellow-500",
            color: "text-yellow-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-yellow-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          lime: {
            border: "border border-lime-500",
            color: "text-lime-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-lime-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          "light-green": {
            border: "border border-light-green-500",
            color: "text-light-green-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-light-green-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          green: {
            border: "border border-green-500",
            color: "text-green-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-green-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          teal: {
            border: "border border-teal-500",
            color: "text-teal-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-teal-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          cyan: {
            border: "border border-cyan-500",
            color: "text-cyan-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-cyan-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          "light-blue": {
            border: "border border-light-blue-500",
            color: "text-light-blue-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-light-blue-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          blue: {
            border: "border border-blue-500",
            color: "text-blue-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-blue-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          indigo: {
            border: "border border-indigo-500",
            color: "text-indigo-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-indigo-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          "deep-purple": {
            border: "border border-deep-purple-500",
            color: "text-deep-purple-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-deep-purple-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          purple: {
            border: "border border-purple-500",
            color: "text-purple-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-purple-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          pink: {
            border: "border border-pink-500",
            color: "text-pink-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-pink-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
          red: {
            border: "border border-red-500",
            color: "text-red-500",
            hover: "hover:opacity-75",
            focus: "focus:ring focus:ring-red-200",
            active: "active:opacity-[0.85]",
        text: {
          white: {
            color: "text-white",
            hover: "hover:bg-white/10",
            active: "active:bg-white/30",
          "blue-gray": {
            color: "text-blue-gray-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-blue-gray-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-blue-gray-500/30",
          gray: {
            color: "text-gray-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-gray-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-gray-500/30",
          brown: {
            color: "text-brown-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-brown-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-brown-500/30",
          "deep-orange": {
            color: "text-deep-orange-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-deep-orange-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-deep-orange-500/30",
          orange: {
            color: "text-orange-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-orange-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-orange-500/30",
          amber: {
            color: "text-amber-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-amber-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-amber-500/30",
          yellow: {
            color: "text-yellow-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-yellow-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-yellow-500/30",
          lime: {
            color: "text-lime-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-lime-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-lime-500/30",
          "light-green": {
            color: "text-light-green-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-light-green-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-light-green-500/30",
          green: {
            color: "text-green-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-green-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-green-500/30",
          teal: {
            color: "text-teal-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-teal-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-teal-500/30",
          cyan: {
            color: "text-cyan-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-cyan-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-cyan-500/30",
          "light-blue": {
            color: "text-light-blue-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-light-blue-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-light-blue-500/30",
          blue: {
            color: "text-blue-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-blue-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-blue-500/30",
          indigo: {
            color: "text-indigo-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-indigo-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-indigo-500/30",
          "deep-purple": {
            color: "text-deep-purple-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-deep-purple-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-deep-purple-500/30",
          purple: {
            color: "text-purple-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-purple-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-purple-500/30",
          pink: {
            color: "text-pink-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-pink-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-pink-500/30",
          red: {
            color: "text-red-500",
            hover: "hover:bg-red-500/10",
            active: "active:bg-red-500/30",

If you want to see more examples and properties please check the official Material Tailwind Documentation.