NextJS Argon Dashboard
Our Nextjs Fullcalendar is a full-sized drag & drop event calendar. Keep reading our Nextjs Fullcalendar examples and learn how to use this plugin.
In order to use this plugin on your page you will need to import the following styles inside your src/_app.js:
import "@fullcalendar/common/main.min.css"; import "@fullcalendar/daygrid/main.min.css"; import "assets/vendor/sweetalert2/dist/sweetalert2.min.css";
import React from "react"; import classnames from "classnames"; // JavaScript library that creates a callendar with events import { Calendar } from "@fullcalendar/core"; import dayGridPlugin from "@fullcalendar/daygrid"; import interaction from "@fullcalendar/interaction"; // react component used to create sweet alerts import ReactBSAlert from "react-bootstrap-sweetalert"; // reactstrap components import { Button, ButtonGroup, Card, CardHeader, CardBody, FormGroup, Form, Input, Modal, Row, Col } from "reactstrap"; import { events } from "variables/general.js"; let calendar; const sweetalertStyle = { display: "block", marginTop: "-100px" }; class Fullcalendar extends React.Component { state = { events: events, alert: null }; componentDidMount() { this.createCalendar(); } createCalendar = () => { calendar = new Calendar(this.refs.calendar, { plugins: [interaction, dayGridPlugin], defaultView: "dayGridMonth", selectable: true, selectHelper: true, editable: true, events:, // Add new event select: info => { this.setState({ modalAdd: true, startDate: info.startStr, endDate: info.endStr, radios: "bg-info" }); }, // Edit calendar event action eventClick: ({ event }) => { this.setState({ modalChange: true, eventId:, eventTitle: event.title, eventDescription: event.extendedProps.description, radios: "bg-info", event: event }); } }); calendar.render(); this.setState({ currentDate: calendar.view.title }); }; changeView = newView => { calendar.changeView(newView); this.setState({ currentDate: calendar.view.title }); }; addNewEvent = () => { var newEvents =; newEvents.push({ title: this.state.eventTitle, start: this.state.startDate, end: this.state.endDate, className: this.state.radios, id:[ - 1] + 1 }); calendar.addEvent({ title: this.state.eventTitle, start: this.state.startDate, end: this.state.endDate, className: this.state.radios, id:[ - 1] + 1 }); this.setState({ modalAdd: false, events: newEvents, startDate: undefined, endDate: undefined, radios: "bg-info", eventTitle: undefined }); }; changeEvent = () => { var newEvents =, key) => { if ( + "" === this.state.eventId + "") { this.state.event.remove(); calendar.addEvent({ ...prop, title: this.state.eventTitle, className: this.state.radios, description: this.state.eventDescription }); return { ...prop, title: this.state.eventTitle, className: this.state.radios, description: this.state.eventDescription }; } else { return prop; } }); this.setState({ modalChange: false, events: newEvents, radios: "bg-info", eventTitle: undefined, eventDescription: undefined, eventId: undefined, event: undefined }); }; deleteEventSweetAlert = () => { this.setState({ alert: ( <ReactBSAlert warning style={sweetalertStyle} title="Are you sure?" onConfirm={() => this.setState({ alert: false, radios: "bg-info", eventTitle: undefined, eventDescription: undefined, eventId: undefined }) } onCancel={() => this.deleteEvent()} confirmBtnCssClass="btn-secondary" cancelBtnBsStyle="danger" confirmBtnText="Cancel" cancelBtnText="Yes, delete it" showCancel btnSize="" > You won't be able to revert this! </ReactBSAlert> ) }); }; deleteEvent = () => { var newEvents = prop => + "" !== this.state.eventId ); this.state.event.remove(); this.setState({ alert: ( <ReactBSAlert success style={sweetalertStyle} title="Success" onConfirm={() => this.setState({ alert: null })} onCancel={() => this.setState({ alert: null })} confirmBtnBsStyle="primary" confirmBtnText="Ok" btnSize="" > A few words about this sweet alert ... </ReactBSAlert> ), modalChange: false, events: newEvents, radios: "bg-info", eventTitle: undefined, eventDescription: undefined, eventId: undefined, event: undefined }); }; render() { return ( <> {this.state.alert} <Card className="card-calendar"> <CardHeader className="bg-info"> <Row className="align-items-center py-4"> <Col lg="6"> <h6 className="fullcalendar-title h2 text-white d-inline-block mb-0 mr-1"> {this.state.currentDate} </h6> </Col> <Col className="mt-3 mt-lg-0 text-lg-right" lg="6"> <Button className="fullcalendar-btn-prev btn-neutral" color="default" onClick={() => {; }} size="sm" > <i className="fas fa-angle-left" /> </Button> <Button className="fullcalendar-btn-next btn-neutral" color="default" onClick={() => { calendar.prev(); }} size="sm" > <i className="fas fa-angle-right" /> </Button> <Button className="btn-neutral" color="default" data-calendar-view="month" onClick={() => this.changeView("dayGridMonth")} size="sm" > Month </Button> <Button className="btn-neutral" color="default" data-calendar-view="basicWeek" onClick={() => this.changeView("dayGridWeek")} size="sm" > Week </Button> <Button className="btn-neutral" color="default" data-calendar-view="basicDay" onClick={() => this.changeView("dayGridDay")} size="sm" > Day </Button> </Col> </Row> </CardHeader> <CardBody className="p-0"> <div className="calendar" ref="calendar" /> </CardBody> </Card> <Modal isOpen={this.state.modalAdd} toggle={() => this.setState({ modalAdd: false })} className="modal-dialog-centered modal-secondary" > <div className="modal-body"> <form className="new-event--form"> <FormGroup> <label className="form-control-label">Event title</label> <Input className="form-control-alternative new-event--title" placeholder="Event Title" type="text" onChange={e => this.setState({ eventTitle: }) } /> </FormGroup> <FormGroup className="mb-0"> <label className="form-control-label d-block mb-3"> Status color </label> <ButtonGroup className="btn-group-toggle btn-group-colors event-tag" data-toggle="buttons" > <Button className={classnames("bg-info", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-info" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-info" })} /> <Button className={classnames("bg-warning", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-warning" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-warning" }) } /> <Button className={classnames("bg-danger", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-danger" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-danger" })} /> <Button className={classnames("bg-success", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-success" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-success" }) } /> <Button className={classnames("bg-default", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-default" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-default" }) } /> <Button className={classnames("bg-primary", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-primary" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => { this.setState({ radios: "bg-primary" }); }} /> </ButtonGroup> </FormGroup> </form> </div> <div className="modal-footer"> <Button className="new-event--add" color="primary" type="button" onClick={this.addNewEvent} > Add event </Button> <Button className="ml-auto" color="link" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ modalAdd: false })} > Close </Button> </div> </Modal> <Modal isOpen={this.state.modalChange} toggle={() => this.setState({ modalChange: false })} className="modal-dialog-centered modal-secondary" > <div className="modal-body"> <Form className="edit-event--form"> <FormGroup> <label className="form-control-label">Event title</label> <Input className="form-control-alternative edit-event--title" placeholder="Event Title" type="text" defaultValue={this.state.eventTitle} onChange={e => this.setState({ eventTitle: }) } /> </FormGroup> <FormGroup> <label className="form-control-label d-block mb-3"> Status color </label> <ButtonGroup className="btn-group-toggle btn-group-colors event-tag mb-0" data-toggle="buttons" > <Button className={classnames("bg-info", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-info" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-info" })} /> <Button className={classnames("bg-warning", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-warning" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-warning" }) } /> <Button className={classnames("bg-danger", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-danger" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-danger" })} /> <Button className={classnames("bg-success", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-success" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-success" }) } /> <Button className={classnames("bg-default", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-default" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ radios: "bg-default" }) } /> <Button className={classnames("bg-primary", { active: this.state.radios === "bg-primary" })} color="" type="button" onClick={() => { this.setState({ radios: "bg-primary" }); }} /> </ButtonGroup> </FormGroup> <FormGroup> <label className="form-control-label">Description</label> <Input className="form-control-alternative edit-event--description textarea-autosize" placeholder="Event Desctiption" type="textarea" defaultValue={this.state.eventDescription} onChange={e => this.setState({ eventDescription: }) } /> <i className="form-group--bar" /> </FormGroup> <input className="edit-event--id" type="hidden" /> </Form> </div> <div className="modal-footer"> <Button color="primary" onClick={this.changeEvent}> Update </Button> <Button color="danger" onClick={() => this.setState({ modalChange: false }, () => this.deleteEventSweetAlert() ) } > Delete </Button> <Button className="ml-auto" color="link" onClick={() => this.setState({ modalChange: false })} > Close </Button> </div> </Modal> </> ); } } export default Fullcalendar;
Please refer to fullcalendar documentation.