NextJS Material Dashboard

An user-friendly, open source and beautiful dashboard based on Bootstrap 5.

We at Creative Tim have always wanted to deliver great tools to all the web developers. We want to see better websites and web apps on the internet.

Unfortunately, at the moment, we only offer support for Babel, and not TypeScript in these two products.

Developer First

NextJS Material Dashboard is a "Developer First" product, with a lot of variables for colors, fonts, sizes and other elements.


High quality before everything

We are following the latest code standards provided by the guys from Material-UI, NextJS and React, so you will love working with this dashboard.


Community helpers

Since all our products are built on top of Open Source also NextJS Material Dashboard is released under MIT License.

Resources and credits

This Dashboard is fully coded and built on top of Open Source, more details here:

  • Material-UI - React components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design.
  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • NextJS - The React Framework for Production
  • React Google Maps - Provides a set of React components wrapping the underlying Google Maps JavaScript API v3 instances.
  • React Datetime PRO - A lightweight but complete datetime picker react component.
  • noUiSlider PRO - lightweight JavaScript range slider with full touch support
  • React Chartist - React component for Chartist.js
  • React Big Calendar PRO - gcal/outlook like calendar component
  • React Bootstrap Sweetalert PRO - SweetAlert for React/Bootstrap - A beautiful replacement for JavaScript’s “alert”
  • React jvectormap PRO - A react wrapper for jvectormap maps
  • React Table PRO - Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React
  • React Tagsinput PRO - Highly customizable React component for inputing tags.
  • Perfect Scrollbar PRO - Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin
  • Bootstrap 4 - Open source front end framework (NOTE: this was used as base for some of the plugins)

Learn more

Stay up to date on the development journey and connect with us on:

Quick start

Quick start here