
We've created a set of predefined configuration for the typography to make if easy and simple for customization, it contains different types of styles for headings, paragraphs, font sizes, line heights, displays and other sort of styles for different purposes.

Base Properties

It contains all of the base styles for the typography.

The pxToRem() is a helper function that helps you to convert px units to rem units, you can find this helper function on the src/assets/theme/functions/pxToRem.js.

Font Sizes

It contains all of the necessary font sizes that we've used for Vision UI Dashboard React, it uses the base properties object for the different font sizes.

Line Heights

It contains all of the necessary line heights that we've used for Vision UI Dashboard React.

The typography contains more than these styles and you can customize all of the styles for the typography using the following file: src/assets/theme/base/typography.js