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Free Frontend Preset for Laravel

Product description

Build immersive experiences with NOW UI Dashboard Laravel, a responsive Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard with an integrated Laravel backend provided by UPDIVISION.

The dashboard's look & feel is inspired by NOW UI Kit, a beautiful cross-platform UI kit we developed together with Invision, the design platform powering the world's best user experiences.

Getting started:

  1. In your application's root create a presets folder
  2. Download an archive of the repo and unzip it
  3. Copy and paste now-ui-master folder in presets (created in step 2) and rename it to NowUi
  4. Open composer.json file
  5. Add "LaravelFrontendPresets\NowUiPreset\": "presets/NowUi/src" to autoload/psr-4 and to autoload-dev/psr-4
  6. Add LaravelFrontendPresets\NowUiPreset\NowUiPresetServiceProvider::class to config/app.php file
  7. In your terminal run composer dump-autoload
  8. Run php artisan preset nowui command to install the Argon preset. This will install all the necessary assets and also the custom auth views, it will also add the auth route in routes/web.php (NOTE: If you run this command several times, be sure to clean up the duplicate Auth entries in routes/web.php)
  9. Run php artisan migrate --seed to create basic users table

Free for personal and commercial projects

Whether you're working on a side project or delivering to a client, we've got you covered. NOW UI Dashboard Laravel is released under MIT license, so you can use it both for personal and commercial projects for free. All you need to do is start building.

Clean & simple design

NOW UI Dashboard Laravel will help you create powerful apps with a clean, simple feel, a perfect fit for today's flat design. The dashboard uses colors which are easy on the eye, spacious cards and elegant typography. It also comes packed with all the basic plug-ins you will need for a project, such as charting or custom scrollbar.

Out of the box login and register

NOW UI Dashboard Laravel comes with a ready to use login and register forms, a must-have for any app you're going to build. Instead of investing time in doing the integration, you have everything you need to get started right away.

Detailed documentation & example pages:

We also included detailed documentation for every component and commented code so you can follow along. The pre-built example pages give you a quick glimpse of what NOW UI Dashboard Laravel has to offer and can serve as a solid foundation for your upcoming project.

Product certified by: Creative Tim
Now UI Dashboard Laravel - Fully Coded Laravel
Now UI Dashboard Laravel - Crafted with Bootstrap - the most popular Front End Framework
Now UI Dashboard Laravel - Sketch Files for Professional Designers
Now UI Dashboard Laravel - Photoshop Files for Professional Designers
Now UI Dashboard Laravel - Sass Files for Professional Front End Developers
Now UI Dashboard Laravel - Fully Coded and Responsive HTML5
9 months ago
5 years ago
Handcrafted Elements
Customized Plugins
Example Pages
Community Support
Fully Responsive

Upgrade to PRO Version

Get more power with Now UI Dashboard PRO Laravel. It has a lot more features compared to the free version. We hope you will create awesome websites/templates with this product!

What is in Demo? What is in PRO Version?
Elements 16 160
Plugins 3 13
Examples Pages 7 28
Full Coded
SASS Files
Designer Files
Premium Support

We are here to help you!

2 Web Developers commented on this product
