Free Bootstrap Admin Template
Product description
If you are a developer or a website owner that needs to work within a dashboard and want to have a pretty sight while doing so, Paper Dashboard is for you. Paper Dashboard is a Bootstrap Admin Panel which combines soft colors with beautiful typography and spacious cards and graphics. It is a powerful tool, but it is light and easy to use. It has enough features to allow you to get the job done, but it is not crowded to the point where you can't find the files for a specific plugin.
We like consistency and design that blends into its purpose. Paper Dashboard is a perfect example of our most thoughtful work. It combines over a dozen components and plugins, while looking like everything fits together. For an easy start or inspiration for you project, we have also create a set of example pages, like the user settings or usage graphics.
Paper Dashboard is built using the same design language as Paper Kit. You can easily use them together, or pick between them depending on the project you have.
Let us know what you think and what we can improve below. And good luck with development!
cristina- downloaded
8 years ago
jamesking56- downloaded
8 years ago
8 years ago
jamesking56- downloaded
8 years ago
8 years ago
thomas.rose- downloaded
8 years ago
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8 years ago
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vc.halip- downloaded
8 years ago
vc.halip- downloaded
8 years ago
cmpscabral- downloaded
8 years ago
alexpaduraru- owner
8 years ago
corstiaan- downloaded
8 years ago
alexpaduraru- owner
8 years ago
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