Tailwind CSS Dropdown - Taco Tall Stack

The Dropdown displays a list of options, triggered by an icon, button, or action. It is also used to filter or sort contents on a page. Below we are presenting dynamic examples of the Dropdown component that you can use in your project based on Taco.


Below you can find the code for the Dropdown component.

<x-dropdown :menu="$menu" class="button-blue" button="dropdown" />

Below you can find a sample code for the $menu array.

public $menu = [
        'label' => 'Item 1',
        'url' => '#',
        'items' => [
                'label' => 'Item 1.1',
                'url' => '#',
                'label' => 'Item 1.2',
                'url' => '#',
        'label' => 'Item 2',
        'url' => '#',
        'items' => [
                'label' => 'Item 2.1',
                'url' => '#',
                'label' => 'Item 2.2',
                'url' => '#',
                'label' => 'Item 2.3',
                'url' => '#',
                'label' => 'Item 2.4',
                'url' => '#',
        'label' => 'Item 3',
        'url' => '#',