Windster Tailwind CSS Dashboard

Free Tailwind CSS admin dashboard template


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Windster is a free and open-source admin dashboard interface built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite featuring a sidebar layout, authentication pages, users, products pages, and hundreds of UI components such as buttons, dropdowns, navbars, datepickers and more based on the Flowbite component library.

Build with Tailwind CSS

This dashboard is based on the official Tailwind CSS usage guidelines including the Post CSS configuration file and you can work with this dashboard template as with any other Tailwind CSS projects.

You also get access to hundreds of UI components from the Flowbite component library such as buttons, navbars, dropdowns, badges, alerts, and more built with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS.

You can also easily purge and minify the final CSS file by using the pre-configured PostCSS and Webpack files that you automatically get by downloading the project.

Flowbite components

Windster is based on the open source Flowbite component library which is a collection of UI components built with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS, such as buttons, navbars, dropdowns, modals, and more.

Example pages

This project includes a few example pages and a responsive dashboard layout with a sidebar that you can use to save time and kickstart your Tailwind CSS project faster.

Some pages are the main dashboard page with charts and widgets, authentication pages, a users page, and finally a products page which also include modals for the CRUD actions.

You can check out the live demo to preview them.

Hugo static site generator

We decided to use the HUGO static generator to create the HTML templates and also use JSON files as the data source for some of the pages like the users and products page. You can use these HTML templates based on your own project needs whether that’s a back-end or front-end framework.

Webpack module bundles

Windster uses one of the most advanced and popular module bundlers out there called Webpack, which helps tie together the compilation features of PostCSS and HUGO, but also minify and bundle the main assets of the project.

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Price: $0
Released: 3 years ago
Updated: 3 years ago
Version: 1.1.0
Category: Tailwind CSS
Well Documented
  • 6 months premium support included
  • 100% W3C valid HTML5 files
  • Future updates
  • Fully responsive pages
  • 30 day refund policy
  • Built by Themesberg

5 Hand-crafted Example Pages

After downloading Windster Tailwind CSS Dashboard you will get 5 high-quality example pages to save you time writing boilerplate code and set up the user interface of your website or web application in no time.

Hover over any page below and if you click on one of them you will be able to live preview one of the example pages in your browser.

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We believe that providing meaningful updates to our templates are important to keep up with the evolution of the dependencies, libraries, and the new design requirements that the modern day web industry requires.

Below you can see the timeline of changes for Windster since its initial launch 3 years ago.


v1.1.0 - February 3rd, 2022 Latest release
  • Update to Tailwind CSS v3.x+
  • Update to Flowbite v1.3.2+
v1.0.1 - November 18th, 2021
  • Fix the font family include