Bootstrap Tables
Bootstrap Tables are designed to be opt-in due to the widespread use of tables across third-party widgets like calendars and date pickers. Keep reading some Bootstrap Tables examples to see how these tables work.
Basic Table
<table class= "table" >
<thead class= "bg-gray-100" >
<th scope= "col" class= "text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7 border-light" > #</th>
<th scope= "col" class= "text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7 border-light ps-2" > First</th>
<th scope= "col" class= "text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7 border-light ps-2" > Last</th>
<th scope= "col" class= "text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7
border-light ps-2" > Handle</th>
<th scope= "row" class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > 1</th>
<td class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Mark</td>
<td class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Otto</td>
<td class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > @mdo</td>
<th scope= "row" class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > 2</th>
<td class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Fira</td>
<td class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Marson</td>
<td class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > @mar</td>
<th scope= "row" class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > 3</th>
<td class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Andy</td>
<td class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Frila</td>
<td class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > @and</td>
Transactions Table
Wed 3:00pm
Wed 1:00pm
Mastercard 1234
Expiry 06/2026
Mon 7:40pm
Mastercard 1234
Expiry 06/2026
Wed 5:00pm
Wed 3:30am
Tue 3:30pm
Mastercard 1234
Expiry 06/2026
<div class= "card border shadow-xs mb-4" >
<div class= "card-header border-bottom pb-0" >
<div class= "d-sm-flex align-items-center mb-3" >
<h6 class= "font-weight-semibold text-lg mb-0" > Recent transactions</h6>
<p class= "text-sm mb-sm-0" > These are details about the last transactions</p>
<div class= "ms-auto d-flex" >
<div class= "input-group input-group-sm ms-auto me-2" >
<span class= "input-group-text text-body" >
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<span class= "btn-inner--text" > Download</span>
<div class= "card-body px-0 py-0" >
<div class= "table-responsive p-0" >
<table class= "table align-items-center justify-content-center mb-0" >
<thead class= "bg-gray-100" >
<th class= "text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7" > Transaction</th>
<th class= "text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7 ps-2" > Amount</th>
<th class= "text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7 ps-2" > Date</th>
<th class= "text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7 ps-2" > Status</th>
<th class= "text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7 ps-2" > Account</th>
<th class= "text-center text-secondary text-xs font-weight-semibold opacity-7" ></th>
<div class= "d-flex px-2" >
<div class= "avatar avatar-sm rounded-circle bg-gray-100 me-2 my-2" >
<img src= "" class= "w-80" alt= "spotify" >
<div class= "my-auto" >
<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm" > Spotify</h6>
<p class= "text-sm font-weight-normal mb-0" > $2,500</p>
<span class= "text-sm font-weight-normal" > Wed 3:00pm</span>
<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-success text-success bg-success" >
<svg width= "9" height= "9" viewBox= "0 0 10 9" fill= "none" xmlns= "" stroke= "currentColor" class= "me-1" >
<path d= "M1 4.42857L3.28571 6.71429L9 1" stroke-width= "2" stroke-linecap= "round" stroke-linejoin= "round" ></path>
</svg> Paid </span>
<td class= "align-middle" >
<div class= "d-flex" >
<div class= "border px-1 py-1 text-center d-flex align-items-center border-radius-sm my-auto" >
<img src= "" class= "w-90 mx-auto" alt= "visa" >
<div class= "ms-2" >
<p class= "text-dark text-sm mb-0" > Visa 1234</p>
<p class= "text-secondary text-sm mb-0" > Expiry 06/2026</p>
<td class= "align-middle" >
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<svg width= "14" height= "14" viewBox= "0 0 15 16" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
<path d= "M11.2201 2.02495C10.8292 1.63482 10.196 1.63545 9.80585 2.02636C9.41572 2.41727 9.41635 3.05044 9.80726 3.44057L11.2201 2.02495ZM12.5572 6.18502C12.9481 6.57516 13.5813 6.57453 13.9714 6.18362C14.3615 5.79271 14.3609 5.15954 13.97 4.7694L12.5572 6.18502ZM11.6803 1.56839L12.3867 2.2762L12.3867 2.27619L11.6803 1.56839ZM14.4302 4.31284L15.1367 5.02065L15.1367 5.02064L14.4302 4.31284ZM3.72198 15V16C3.98686 16 4.24091 15.8949 4.42839 15.7078L3.72198 15ZM0.999756 15H-0.000244141C-0.000244141 15.5523 0.447471 16 0.999756 16L0.999756 15ZM0.999756 12.2279L0.293346 11.5201C0.105383 11.7077 -0.000244141 11.9624 -0.000244141 12.2279H0.999756ZM9.80726 3.44057L12.5572 6.18502L13.97 4.7694L11.2201 2.02495L9.80726 3.44057ZM12.3867 2.27619C12.7557 1.90794 13.3549 1.90794 13.7238 2.27619L15.1367 0.860593C13.9869 -0.286864 12.1236 -0.286864 10.9739 0.860593L12.3867 2.27619ZM13.7238 2.27619C14.0917 2.64337 14.0917 3.23787 13.7238 3.60504L15.1367 5.02064C16.2875 3.8721 16.2875 2.00913 15.1367 0.860593L13.7238 2.27619ZM13.7238 3.60504L3.01557 14.2922L4.42839 15.7078L15.1367 5.02065L13.7238 3.60504ZM3.72198 14H0.999756V16H3.72198V14ZM1.99976 15V12.2279H-0.000244141V15H1.99976ZM1.70617 12.9357L12.3867 2.2762L10.9739 0.86059L0.293346 11.5201L1.70617 12.9357Z" fill= "#64748B" ></path>
<div class= "d-flex px-2" >
<div class= "avatar avatar-sm rounded-circle bg-gray-100 me-2 my-2" >
<img src= "" class= "w-80" alt= "invision" >
<div class= "my-auto" >
<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm" > Invision</h6>
<p class= "text-sm font-weight-normal mb-0" > $5,000</p>
<span class= "text-sm font-weight-normal" > Wed 1:00pm</span>
<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-success text-success bg-success" >
<svg width= "9" height= "9" viewBox= "0 0 10 9" fill= "none" xmlns= "" stroke= "currentColor" class= "me-1" >
<path d= "M1 4.42857L3.28571 6.71429L9 1" stroke-width= "2" stroke-linecap= "round" stroke-linejoin= "round" ></path>
</svg> Paid </span>
<td class= "align-middle" >
<div class= "d-flex" >
<div class= "border px-1 py-1 text-center d-flex align-items-center border-radius-sm my-auto" >
<img src= "" class= "w-90 mx-auto" alt= "mastercard" >
<div class= "ms-2" >
<p class= "text-dark text-sm mb-0" > Mastercard 1234</p>
<p class= "text-secondary text-sm mb-0" > Expiry 06/2026</p>
<td class= "align-middle" >
<a href= "javascript:;" class= "text-secondary font-weight-bold text-xs" data-bs-toggle= "tooltip" data-bs-title= "Edit user" >
<svg width= "14" height= "14" viewBox= "0 0 15 16" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
<path d= "M11.2201 2.02495C10.8292 1.63482 10.196 1.63545 9.80585 2.02636C9.41572 2.41727 9.41635 3.05044 9.80726 3.44057L11.2201 2.02495ZM12.5572 6.18502C12.9481 6.57516 13.5813 6.57453 13.9714 6.18362C14.3615 5.79271 14.3609 5.15954 13.97 4.7694L12.5572 6.18502ZM11.6803 1.56839L12.3867 2.2762L12.3867 2.27619L11.6803 1.56839ZM14.4302 4.31284L15.1367 5.02065L15.1367 5.02064L14.4302 4.31284ZM3.72198 15V16C3.98686 16 4.24091 15.8949 4.42839 15.7078L3.72198 15ZM0.999756 15H-0.000244141C-0.000244141 15.5523 0.447471 16 0.999756 16L0.999756 15ZM0.999756 12.2279L0.293346 11.5201C0.105383 11.7077 -0.000244141 11.9624 -0.000244141 12.2279H0.999756ZM9.80726 3.44057L12.5572 6.18502L13.97 4.7694L11.2201 2.02495L9.80726 3.44057ZM12.3867 2.27619C12.7557 1.90794 13.3549 1.90794 13.7238 2.27619L15.1367 0.860593C13.9869 -0.286864 12.1236 -0.286864 10.9739 0.860593L12.3867 2.27619ZM13.7238 2.27619C14.0917 2.64337 14.0917 3.23787 13.7238 3.60504L15.1367 5.02064C16.2875 3.8721 16.2875 2.00913 15.1367 0.860593L13.7238 2.27619ZM13.7238 3.60504L3.01557 14.2922L4.42839 15.7078L15.1367 5.02065L13.7238 3.60504ZM3.72198 14H0.999756V16H3.72198V14ZM1.99976 15V12.2279H-0.000244141V15H1.99976ZM1.70617 12.9357L12.3867 2.2762L10.9739 0.86059L0.293346 11.5201L1.70617 12.9357Z" fill= "#64748B" ></path>
<div class= "d-flex px-2" >
<div class= "avatar avatar-sm rounded-circle bg-gray-100 me-2 my-2" >
<img src= "" class= "w-80" alt= "jira" >
<div class= "my-auto" >
<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm" > Jira</h6>
<p class= "text-sm font-weight-normal mb-0" > $3,400</p>
<span class= "text-sm font-weight-normal" > Mon 7:40pm</span>
<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-warning text-warning bg-warning" >
<svg width= "12" height= "12" xmlns= "" viewBox= "0 0 24 24" fill= "currentColor" class= "me-1ca" >
<path fill-rule= "evenodd" d= "M12 2.25c-5.385 0-9.75 4.365-9.75 9.75s4.365 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75-4.365 9.75-9.75S17.385 2.25 12 2.25zM12.75 6a.75.75 0 00-1.5 0v6c0 .414.336.75.75.75h4.5a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-3.75V6z" clip-rule= "evenodd" ></path>
</svg> Pending </span>
<td class= "align-middle" >
<div class= "d-flex" >
<div class= "border px-1 py-1 text-center d-flex align-items-center border-radius-sm my-auto" >
<img src= "" class= "w-90 mx-auto" alt= "mastercard" >
<div class= "ms-2" >
<p class= "text-dark text-sm mb-0" > Mastercard 1234</p>
<p class= "text-secondary text-sm mb-0" > Expiry 06/2026</p>
<td class= "align-middle" >
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<svg width= "14" height= "14" viewBox= "0 0 15 16" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
<path d= "M11.2201 2.02495C10.8292 1.63482 10.196 1.63545 9.80585 2.02636C9.41572 2.41727 9.41635 3.05044 9.80726 3.44057L11.2201 2.02495ZM12.5572 6.18502C12.9481 6.57516 13.5813 6.57453 13.9714 6.18362C14.3615 5.79271 14.3609 5.15954 13.97 4.7694L12.5572 6.18502ZM11.6803 1.56839L12.3867 2.2762L12.3867 2.27619L11.6803 1.56839ZM14.4302 4.31284L15.1367 5.02065L15.1367 5.02064L14.4302 4.31284ZM3.72198 15V16C3.98686 16 4.24091 15.8949 4.42839 15.7078L3.72198 15ZM0.999756 15H-0.000244141C-0.000244141 15.5523 0.447471 16 0.999756 16L0.999756 15ZM0.999756 12.2279L0.293346 11.5201C0.105383 11.7077 -0.000244141 11.9624 -0.000244141 12.2279H0.999756ZM9.80726 3.44057L12.5572 6.18502L13.97 4.7694L11.2201 2.02495L9.80726 3.44057ZM12.3867 2.27619C12.7557 1.90794 13.3549 1.90794 13.7238 2.27619L15.1367 0.860593C13.9869 -0.286864 12.1236 -0.286864 10.9739 0.860593L12.3867 2.27619ZM13.7238 2.27619C14.0917 2.64337 14.0917 3.23787 13.7238 3.60504L15.1367 5.02064C16.2875 3.8721 16.2875 2.00913 15.1367 0.860593L13.7238 2.27619ZM13.7238 3.60504L3.01557 14.2922L4.42839 15.7078L15.1367 5.02065L13.7238 3.60504ZM3.72198 14H0.999756V16H3.72198V14ZM1.99976 15V12.2279H-0.000244141V15H1.99976ZM1.70617 12.9357L12.3867 2.2762L10.9739 0.86059L0.293346 11.5201L1.70617 12.9357Z" fill= "#64748B" ></path>
<div class= "d-flex px-2" >
<div class= "avatar avatar-sm rounded-circle bg-gray-100 me-2 my-2" >
<img src= "" class= "w-80" alt= "slack" >
<div class= "my-auto" >
<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm" > Slack</h6>
<p class= "text-sm font-weight-normal mb-0" > $1,000</p>
<span class= "text-sm font-weight-normal" > Wed 5:00pm</span>
<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-success text-success bg-success" >
<svg width= "9" height= "9" viewBox= "0 0 10 9" fill= "none" xmlns= "" stroke= "currentColor" class= "me-1" >
<path d= "M1 4.42857L3.28571 6.71429L9 1" stroke-width= "2" stroke-linecap= "round" stroke-linejoin= "round" ></path>
</svg> Paid </span>
<td class= "align-middle" >
<div class= "d-flex" >
<div class= "border px-1 py-1 text-center d-flex align-items-center border-radius-sm my-auto" >
<img src= "" class= "w-90 mx-auto" alt= "visa" >
<div class= "ms-2" >
<p class= "text-dark text-sm mb-0" > Visa 1234</p>
<p class= "text-secondary text-sm mb-0" > Expiry 06/2026</p>
<td class= "align-middle" >
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<svg width= "14" height= "14" viewBox= "0 0 15 16" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
<path d= "M11.2201 2.02495C10.8292 1.63482 10.196 1.63545 9.80585 2.02636C9.41572 2.41727 9.41635 3.05044 9.80726 3.44057L11.2201 2.02495ZM12.5572 6.18502C12.9481 6.57516 13.5813 6.57453 13.9714 6.18362C14.3615 5.79271 14.3609 5.15954 13.97 4.7694L12.5572 6.18502ZM11.6803 1.56839L12.3867 2.2762L12.3867 2.27619L11.6803 1.56839ZM14.4302 4.31284L15.1367 5.02065L15.1367 5.02064L14.4302 4.31284ZM3.72198 15V16C3.98686 16 4.24091 15.8949 4.42839 15.7078L3.72198 15ZM0.999756 15H-0.000244141C-0.000244141 15.5523 0.447471 16 0.999756 16L0.999756 15ZM0.999756 12.2279L0.293346 11.5201C0.105383 11.7077 -0.000244141 11.9624 -0.000244141 12.2279H0.999756ZM9.80726 3.44057L12.5572 6.18502L13.97 4.7694L11.2201 2.02495L9.80726 3.44057ZM12.3867 2.27619C12.7557 1.90794 13.3549 1.90794 13.7238 2.27619L15.1367 0.860593C13.9869 -0.286864 12.1236 -0.286864 10.9739 0.860593L12.3867 2.27619ZM13.7238 2.27619C14.0917 2.64337 14.0917 3.23787 13.7238 3.60504L15.1367 5.02064C16.2875 3.8721 16.2875 2.00913 15.1367 0.860593L13.7238 2.27619ZM13.7238 3.60504L3.01557 14.2922L4.42839 15.7078L15.1367 5.02065L13.7238 3.60504ZM3.72198 14H0.999756V16H3.72198V14ZM1.99976 15V12.2279H-0.000244141V15H1.99976ZM1.70617 12.9357L12.3867 2.2762L10.9739 0.86059L0.293346 11.5201L1.70617 12.9357Z" fill= "#64748B" ></path>
<div class= "d-flex px-2" >
<div class= "avatar avatar-sm rounded-circle bg-gray-100 me-2 my-2" >
<img src= "" class= "w-80" alt= "webdev" >
<div class= "my-auto" >
<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm" > Webdev</h6>
<p class= "text-sm font-weight-normal mb-0" > $14,000</p>
<span class= "text-sm font-weight-normal" > Wed 3:30am</span>
<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-success text-success bg-success" >
<svg width= "9" height= "9" viewBox= "0 0 10 9" fill= "none" xmlns= "" stroke= "currentColor" class= "me-1" >
<path d= "M1 4.42857L3.28571 6.71429L9 1" stroke-width= "2" stroke-linecap= "round" stroke-linejoin= "round" ></path>
</svg> Paid </span>
<td class= "align-middle" >
<div class= "d-flex" >
<div class= "border px-1 py-1 text-center d-flex align-items-center border-radius-sm my-auto" >
<img src= "" class= "w-90 mx-auto" alt= "visa" >
<div class= "ms-2" >
<p class= "text-dark text-sm mb-0" > Visa 1234</p>
<p class= "text-secondary text-sm mb-0" > Expiry 06/2026</p>
<td class= "align-middle" >
<a href= "javascript:;" class= "text-secondary font-weight-bold text-xs" data-bs-toggle= "tooltip" data-bs-title= "Edit user" >
<svg width= "14" height= "14" viewBox= "0 0 15 16" fill= "none" xmlns= "" >
<path d= "M11.2201 2.02495C10.8292 1.63482 10.196 1.63545 9.80585 2.02636C9.41572 2.41727 9.41635 3.05044 9.80726 3.44057L11.2201 2.02495ZM12.5572 6.18502C12.9481 6.57516 13.5813 6.57453 13.9714 6.18362C14.3615 5.79271 14.3609 5.15954 13.97 4.7694L12.5572 6.18502ZM11.6803 1.56839L12.3867 2.2762L12.3867 2.27619L11.6803 1.56839ZM14.4302 4.31284L15.1367 5.02065L15.1367 5.02064L14.4302 4.31284ZM3.72198 15V16C3.98686 16 4.24091 15.8949 4.42839 15.7078L3.72198 15ZM0.999756 15H-0.000244141C-0.000244141 15.5523 0.447471 16 0.999756 16L0.999756 15ZM0.999756 12.2279L0.293346 11.5201C0.105383 11.7077 -0.000244141 11.9624 -0.000244141 12.2279H0.999756ZM9.80726 3.44057L12.5572 6.18502L13.97 4.7694L11.2201 2.02495L9.80726 3.44057ZM12.3867 2.27619C12.7557 1.90794 13.3549 1.90794 13.7238 2.27619L15.1367 0.860593C13.9869 -0.286864 12.1236 -0.286864 10.9739 0.860593L12.3867 2.27619ZM13.7238 2.27619C14.0917 2.64337 14.0917 3.23787 13.7238 3.60504L15.1367 5.02064C16.2875 3.8721 16.2875 2.00913 15.1367 0.860593L13.7238 2.27619ZM13.7238 3.60504L3.01557 14.2922L4.42839 15.7078L15.1367 5.02065L13.7238 3.60504ZM3.72198 14H0.999756V16H3.72198V14ZM1.99976 15V12.2279H-0.000244141V15H1.99976ZM1.70617 12.9357L12.3867 2.2762L10.9739 0.86059L0.293346 11.5201L1.70617 12.9357Z" fill= "#64748B" ></path>
<div class= "d-flex px-2" >
<div class= "avatar avatar-sm rounded-circle bg-gray-100 me-2 my-2" >
<img src= "" class= "w-80" alt= "xd" >
<div class= "my-auto" >
<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm" > Adobe XD</h6>
<p class= "text-sm font-weight-normal mb-0" > $2,300</p>
<span class= "text-sm font-weight-normal" > Tue 3:30pm</span>
<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-danger text-danger bg-danger" >
<svg width= "12" height= "12" xmlns= "" fill= "none" viewBox= "0 0 24 24" stroke-width= "1.5" stroke= "currentColor" class= "me-1" >
<path stroke-linecap= "round" stroke-linejoin= "round" d= "M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12" ></path>
</svg> Canceled </span>
<td class= "align-middle" >
<div class= "d-flex" >
<div class= "border px-1 py-1 text-center d-flex align-items-center border-radius-sm my-auto" >
<img src= "" class= "w-90 mx-auto" alt= "mastercard" >
<div class= "ms-2" >
<p class= "text-dark text-sm mb-0" > Mastercard 1234</p>
<p class= "text-secondary text-sm mb-0" > Expiry 06/2026</p>
<td class= "align-middle" >
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<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm font-weight-semibold" > John Michael</h6>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > [email protected] </p>
<p class= "text-sm text-dark font-weight-semibold mb-0" > Manager</p>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Organization</p>
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<span class= "text-secondary text-sm font-weight-normal" > 23/04/18</span>
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<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm font-weight-semibold" > Alexa Liras</h6>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > [email protected] </p>
<p class= "text-sm text-dark font-weight-semibold mb-0" > Programator</p>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Developer</p>
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<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-secondary text-secondary bg-secondary" > Offline</span>
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<span class= "text-secondary text-sm font-weight-normal" > 11/01/19</span>
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<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm font-weight-semibold" > Laurent Perrier</h6>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > [email protected] </p>
<p class= "text-sm text-dark font-weight-semibold mb-0" > Executive</p>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Projects</p>
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<span class= "text-secondary text-sm font-weight-normal" > 19/09/17</span>
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<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm font-weight-semibold" > Michael Levi</h6>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > [email protected] </p>
<p class= "text-sm text-dark font-weight-semibold mb-0" > Programator</p>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Developer</p>
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<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-success text-success bg-success" > Online</span>
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<span class= "text-secondary text-sm font-weight-normal" > 24/12/08</span>
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<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm font-weight-semibold" > Richard Gran</h6>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > [email protected] </p>
<p class= "text-sm text-dark font-weight-semibold mb-0" > Manager</p>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Executive</p>
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<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-secondary text-secondary bg-secondary" > Offline</span>
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<span class= "text-secondary text-sm font-weight-normal" > 04/10/21</span>
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<h6 class= "mb-0 text-sm font-weight-semibold" > Miriam Eric</h6>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > [email protected] </p>
<p class= "text-sm text-dark font-weight-semibold mb-0" > Programtor</p>
<p class= "text-sm text-secondary mb-0" > Developer</p>
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<span class= "badge badge-sm border border-secondary text-secondary bg-secondary" > Offline</span>
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<span class= "text-secondary text-sm font-weight-normal" > 14/09/20</span>
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