Premium Tailwind UI Components and Themes

Discover our collection of the best premium components and themes that are beautifully designed and created with Tailwind CSS. This collection is updated regularly.

HTML badge React badge Vue.js badge Tailwind CSS badge
Horizon UI Tailwind CSS React image

Horizon UI Tailwind CSS React Simmmple


Start building your dashboard with Horizon UI, the trendiest open-source admin dashboard template for Tailwind CSS & React!

Horizon UI PRO Tailwind CSS React image

Horizon UI PRO Tailwind CSS React Simmmple


Save hundreds of hours trying to create a web app from scratch. The world’s fastest, most responsive & trendiest admin template is here. Improve your development process with a set of 400+ front-end UI elements/components & more than 44+ ready to use pages.

Soft UI Dashboard Tailwind image

Soft UI Dashboard Tailwind Creative Tim


The most complex and innovative Dashboard Made by Creative Tim. Check our latest Free Tailwind CSS Dashboard. Hundred of components that can work like Lego blocks

Windster Pro Tailwind CSS Dashboard image

Windster Pro Tailwind CSS Dashboard Themesberg


Windster Pro is a premium Tailwind CSS dashboard template featuring over 21 application pages, advanced charts, a kanban board.

Material Tailwind image

Material Tailwind Material Tailwind


Material Tailwind features multiple React and HTML components, all written with Tailwind CSS classes and Material Design guidelines.

Meraki UI Dashboard image

Meraki UI Dashboard Meraki UI


Modern and beautiful template built with Tailwind CSS available for HTML and Laravel Blade, Built with an elegant and easy-to-use design, and fully responsive and easy to customize.

Argon Dashboard 2 PRO Tailwind CSS image

Argon Dashboard 2 PRO Tailwind CSS Creative Tim


The most complex and innovative Tailwind CSS Dashboard Made by Creative Tim. Check our latest Premium Tailwind CSS admin template.

Windster Tailwind CSS Dashboard image

Windster Tailwind CSS Dashboard Themesberg


Windster is a free and open-source admin dashboard interface built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite featuring a sidebar layout, authentication pages, users, products pages, and hundreds of UI components

Soft UI Dashboard Flowbite image

Soft UI Dashboard Flowbite Creative Tim


Soft UI Flowbite is built with over 30 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.