Vue Material -

Input & Textarea

by Creative Tim
Premium themes

Text fields allow users to input, edit and select text typically inside forms. But they can appear in other places as well like dialog boxes and search.

Vue Material fields work with a md-field wrapped around an input component, that can be md-input, md-textarea or even a md-select.

md-select has its own documentation page, dedicated to show better examples on how to use it.

Text Fields

Fields mimic the HTML5 attributes to keep the same compatibility with native inputs, but has extra options. This allows Vue Material to accordingly setup the various md-field with its corresponding input options.

You will be able to set the same properties of a regular input element on md-input. This is also valid for textarea and select. Take a look:

Input and Textarea
Helper text

Errors and Messages

Vue Material has validation states to show error messages. You can use it along with other 3rd party Vue validation libraries, like Vuelidate or Vee-Validate:

There is an error
Helper text There is an error

Character count

You can use character counters where you need to limit the user input, like on Twitter's 280 character tweet:

0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 200
0 / 80


Sometimes we may want to differentiate our inputs based on it content value:

Outside and inline icons
warning attach_money

Inline Actions

Fields can have a clearable feature to make it easier for users to clear the value. To use passwords better we can show a toggle button to reveal the password. This is really useful for mobile applications:

Clear and password

Prefixes & suffixes

Prefixes and suffixes can be used to clarify units or to add input in advance. Prefixes are left justified in the text field whereas suffixes are right justified. Text fields can have both prefixes and suffixes.

Prefixes & suffixes

API - md-field

The following options can be applied to any field:

md-inline Boolean Make the label inline. This means that the label will disappear when the input receives a focus. false
md-counter Boolean Enable the character counter. Only works with fields that have a md-input or md-textarea with a maxlength or md-counter attributes. false
md-clearable Boolean Add a clear button on the right of the input. false
md-toggle-password Boolean Add a toggle button on the right of the input to reveal/hide the password. Only works with fields that have a md-input with type password. false

API - md-input

The following options can be applied to any input:

v-model String|Number|Boolean|Array The model variable to bind the input value null
type String The input type. Similar to HTML5 type attribute. text
placeholder String The input placeholder. Similar to HTML5 placeholder attribute. null
required Boolean The input required. Similar to HTML5 required attribute. false
id String The input id. Similar to HTML5 id attribute. a random string
name String The input name. Similar to HTML5 name attribute. null
disabled Boolean Disable the input and prevent it interactions. false
maxlength Number Enable the counter for the field and set a maxlength null
md-counter Number|Boolean Enable the counter for the field. This is useful when you want only a counter without setting a maxlength. After setting a maxlength, in case if you do not want to display the counter, set this prop to false true

API - md-textarea

The following options can be applied to any textarea:

v-model String|Number|Boolean|Array The model variable to bind the textarea value null
placeholder String The textarea placeholder. Similar to HTML5 placeholder attribute. null
required Boolean The input required. Similar to HTML5 required attribute. false
id String The textarea id. Similar to HTML5 id attribute. a random string
name String The textarea name. Similar to HTML5 name attribute. null
disabled Boolean Disable the textarea and prevent it interactions. false
maxlength Number Enable the counter for the field and set a maxlength null
md-counter Number Enable the counter for the field. This is useful when you want only a counter without set a maxlength null
md-autogrow Boolean Enable the textarea autogrow false
Any input or textarea attributes can be used on md-input/md-textarea respectively.